FabMistry - aluminium windows

by Kapil Sharma 2000



Fabmistry , Aluminum window Application helps workers to calculate measurements easilySave time by calculating materials of regular Section/Aluminum WindowsDefault available window18x40 2track18x40 3track1840x 4trackDomal 27x65 2TrackJust enter basic info of window like height and width and you will get list of materials with size and quantity.User can create their own windows with their own formula of cutting section.User can also download there report is pdf format and share with other.Aluminum and UPVC windows ,both type of windows material can be calculate with this app.Section cutting details and basic optimization is also given in this app which can save user time and material wastage.Basic optimization is provided with standard section size of 15 ft or 4500mm.Measurement of aluminum window can be enter in both mm or Inches and soot.